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EU regulatory products help international car manufacturers successfully pass Spanish vehicle certification again


AUTOEQUIPS Technology shines again on the international stage

After experiencing the impact of the epidemic, the commercial vehicle industry has brought new opportunities to industry production and sales as demand for logistics transportation and passenger travel has increased. New forces in the industry are constantly emerging. With its years of experience in overseas markets and professional and technical strength, AUTOEQUIPS Technology Group is actively helping new forces in the industry to shine again on the international stage, making Made in China shine again on the international stage.

     AUTOEQUIPS Technology has passed the international security standard ISO21434 and became one of the first companies to comply with the UN ECE R155 network security and UN ECE R156 software update (UDS update) development processes. It has rich practical experience and has been applied in major overseas OEMs.

     In December 2023, a new model from a new Vietnamese car manufacturer equipped with the world's only market integration technology (AI vision + radar solution) of AUTOEQUIPS Technology (AI vision + radar solution), an EU regulatory product, received approval from experts from the Spanish IDIADA certification agency, OEMs, AUTOEQUIPS Technology and other parties. With joint efforts, the vehicle successfully passed the vehicle test. This marks that AUTOEQUIPS Technology Group's technical strength in the field of automotive safety, especially its professional capabilities for EU regulatory products, has once again been verified and recognized.

EU regulatory products help international car manufacturers successfully pass Spanish vehicle certification again

At present, the European Union has issued three regulations on blind spot monitoring, namely UN ECE R151; UN ECE R158; UN ECE R159, and all three regulations will be enforced on July 6, 2022. UN ECE R151 Blind Spot Monitoring System BSIS mainly monitors the right blind spot of left-hand drive vehicles; UN ECE R158 Reverse Monitoring System mainly monitors the blind spot behind the vehicle when reversing; UN ECE R159 Pedestrian and Cyclist Movement Monitoring System MOIS mainly monitors the blind spot in front of the vehicle. . In addition, there are EU GSR 2021/1341 DDAW driver drowsiness and attention warning system and EU 2021/1958ISA intelligent speed assistance system, etc.

     All products in the European Standards and Regulations of AUTOEQUIPS Technology are equipped with system failure and self-test modes, and comply with the extremely stringent international safety standards ISO21434 and ISO 26262. The development process, software updates and management provide important support for car companies to enter the international market. and reliable guarantee.

EU regulatory products help international car manufacturers successfully pass Spanish vehicle certification again

AUTOEQUIPS Technology's full range of European standard products are mainly as follows:


Since its establishment in 2000, AUTOEQUIPS Technology Group has always insisted on exploring the field of commercial vehicle safety. Its products have passed a number of domestic and foreign conventional certifications and reliability certifications, including the strict international safety standards ISO26262 and ISO21434 certifications. The company has been paying attention to EU regulations since 2019, and won Germany's first ABE certification that year. In 2021, it won the EU's first batch of R46 electronic rearview mirror certification. So far, AUTOEQUIPS Technology's electronic rearview mirrors have accumulated 200,000 kilometers. For the above actual journey, product reliability and stability are fully guaranteed.

     AUTOEQUIPS own production base covers an area of over 32,000 square meters, and has a professional global after-sales service team that can quickly respond and deliver customer orders. In the future, Vertex Technology Group will continue to leverage its technological advantages and innovation capabilities, establish in-depth strategic partnerships with major domestic vehicle manufacturers, jointly promote the progress of safe driving perception systems for commercial vehicles, and strive to establish a leading position in the industry. .