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Start a new journey and create a new future


AUTOEQUIPS Technology Group's first "Market Pledge Conference" was successfully held

On the occasion of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, facing the strategic deployment of AUTOEQUIPS Technology Group in 2024, on January 30, the group's management teams from four places across the Taiwan Strait held the "First Group Market Oath-taking Conference and Annual Business Goal Responsibility Letter Signing Ceremony" at the Huizhou base. . This moment is destined to be engraved in the development history of the AUTOEQUIPS Group, because it is not only a key milestone in the development history of the group, but also the starting point for us to embark on a new journey together.

The first swearing-in meeting was of great significance. It marks that in the new year, AUTOEQUIPS Technology Group will move towards in-depth expansion of the global market with clearer goals and more determined steps. This is an important event for us to build consensus internally and coordinate our external goals.

This conference mainly focuses on "2023 business summary, commercial vehicle market industry insight analysis, corporate vision and values clarification, strategic decoding, and 2024 tough battles and business goals".

Start a new journey and create a new future

In this conference, the chairman redefined the group's vision, and all AUTOEQUIPS people were aligned towards the values of "innovation, pursuit of excellence; responsibility, sharing the future".

Start a new journey and create a new future
Start a new journey and create a new future

At the meeting, the general manager summarized the business in 2023. Under the strong pressure of the external environment, the hard-won achievements of AUTOEQUIPS Group were created by the joint efforts of all AUTOEQUIPS people. We hope to create greater glory in 2024.

Start a new journey and create a new future

During the meeting, the head coach and general manager of the seven tough battles in the company's must-win battle in 2024 signed a target responsibility letter, and the heads of each department also signed a department performance commitment letter in 2024.

Start a new journey and create a new future

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Fu, the company’s management consultant, summarized his comments:

1. In this market conference, each department will achieve success through organizational performance, pursue excellence, and be consistent and aligned with corporate values, playing a very good guiding role;

2. By focusing on "customer-centricity" in the organization, we will be able to achieve the company's strategic goals in 2024;

3. The management problems discovered during the enterprise management diagnosis were immediately reformed, which shows the enterprise's courage and determination to reform. I believe that the organization will work together to achieve strategic goals in 2024.

Finally, the chairman’s message: Let’s trace back the long and arduous road ahead, and let’s embark on a new journey, plan and strategize, and share the future!

Start a new journey and create a new future