  • MOIS vehicle side blind spot warning system
  • GSR-MOIS-Moving Off Information System.




  • 满足 UN ECE R159 MOIS 法规;
  • 通过德国 TÜV RheinlandR159 MOIS 性能测试Homologation and Type Approval 应用实绩。
  • 主动侦测,实时向驾驶者提供危险状况预警及视觉辅助功能。
  • 采用 AEC-Q100 认证芯片,满足所有主机厂商与售后市场。
  • 具备 ISO21434(ECE R155/ R156)网络安全标准开发流程、软件更新及更新管理。
  • 正确率高达 99 %。
  • 低亮度环境下影像清晰度高。
  • 系统失效及自检模式(整车异常侦测、传感器遮蔽、脏污、夜间光感不佳等)。
  • 严苛的质量和设计要求,已获得海外知名车企认可。


  • E-mark E24
  • FCC



Regulation Overview

According to research by the World Health Organization, it has been found that over 90% of vehicle accidents are caused by human factors. To reduce the occurrence of accidents and casualties, the European Union has enacted a series of regulations aimed at protecting Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), with the goal ofreducing traffic accidents and injuries.

The European Union has currently issued three regulations regarding blind spot monitoring, which are UN ECE R151, UN ECE R158, and UN ECE R159. These three regulations became mandatory on July 6,2022.


Brief Description of Product Functions


The AE-CS50DB Moving Off Information System (MOIS) is a system that employs AI technology to provide drivers with information about blind spots in front of the vehicle and offers active detection capabilities. The AE-CS50DB product complies with the UNECE R159 requirements for Moving Off Information System.

When the vehicle is stationary or in motion and a vulnerable road user (VRU) enters the detection zone, the MOIS system will provide the driver with IS (Information Signal) or WS (Warning Signal) to alert them and help avoid accidents.

Regulations&System Analysis
