首頁未分類9" V&VI類鏡
  • CMS-9

9" V&VI類鏡



  • 此配置由1款V類高清廣角攝影機+1個英吋LCD顯示器組成,VI類視角顯示,提供9吋顯示器。
  • 為商用客車,貨車解決V類前方及副駕駛盲區觀測需求,提供更寬廣的前方視野。
  • 寬動態即時視訊顯示,出入明暗光交界處畫面清晰,高速行駛畫面流暢.
  • 超強夜視功能,夜間防眩光,雨霧天防雨雪堆積、防掛水;低延時高清數位傳輸。
  • 採用車規級晶片
  • IP69K防水防塵標準
  • 通過E-MARK E24 R10/R46/R118法規認證


  • E-mark E24
  • FCC





· Autoequip's innovative BlindVue e-mirror, also known as Digital Camera & Monitoring System or CMS, replaces the conventional mirrors with integrated external digital cameras and monitors inside the cab of the bus. BlindVue minal. improves safety for everyone on the road during day and night.

· Wide angle cemara modulesfor a wider and deeper Field-of-View.

· A greater range of visibility than standard mirrors eliminating many typical blind spots.

· Color night vision with low-light sensitivity for better visibility and brighter images during the day and night.

· High-definition, real-time images for clearer images in all weather conditions.

· Distance markers for safer lane changes.

· Aerodynamic design for fuel savings and efficient operations.

· Small camera profiles and high mounting locations to reduce risks of impacts with objects.

· Cameras equiped with heaters and hydrophobic-coated lenses for Zero frost on the lenses in cold temperatures.