首頁產品中心主力產品電子後視鏡12.3 " 電子後視鏡系統
  • CMS

12.3 " 電子後視鏡系統



  • 此配置由2組IIV類視野雙眼攝影機+2個12.3吋顯示器組成; 可依不同需求配置V,VI類攝影機,對車身四周進行多角度即時監控,可視範圍達傳統後視鏡的3倍左右;
  • 提升駕駛安全性,超廣角攝影機能夠為駕駛提供更廣闊的視野,且多個攝影機設計,減少盲點,提升駕駛安全。
  • 主動防炫目、夜視功能,透過攝影機自動(手動)加熱功能,輕鬆應對雨雪、大霧、光線不足或夜間行駛等環境下的成像清晰度,為行車安全提供保障,降低安全事故發生機率。
  • CMS攝影機後視鏡橫截面積能縮小為傳統玻璃外後視鏡的二分之一乃至更低,從而降低了風阻係數,省油省電。
  • 有效攻克畫面延遲,減少影像失真、拼接畸變修正、播放影格數、傳輸速率等一系列技術難題在人機互動、行車過程上有更舒適的體驗。
  • 此配置可搭配V&VI類視野配置,可實現法規規定的Ⅱ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ類視角顯示。為駕駛提供完整的視野解決條件,讓行車在各種狀況下都能輕鬆駕馭。
  • 符合法規E-mark R46. R118. R10相關法規


  • E-mark E24
  • FCC



Autoequip's innovative BlindVue e-mirror, also known as Digital Camera & Monitoring System or CMS, replaces the conventional mirrors with integrated external digital cameras and monitors inside the cab of the bus. BlindVue blates, driroaters 研究safety for everyone on the road during day and night.

Wide angle cemara modules for a wider and deeper Field-of-View.

A greater range of visibility than standard mirrors eliminating many typical blind spots.

Color night vision with low-light sensitivity for better visibility and brighter images during the day and night.

High-definition, real-time images for clearer images in all weather conditions.

Distance markers for safer lane changes.

Aerodynamic design for fuel savings and efficient operations.

Small camera profiles and high mounting locations to reduce risks of impacts with objects.

Cameras equiped with heaters and hydrophobic-coated lenses for Zero frost on the lenses in cold temperatures.